Product Suggestions

Product suggestions help users find products that they are looking for out of the hundreds or thousands of products listed in the catalog.
Apart from making the product discovery process easier for users & thereby, improving the conversion rate; brands use product suggestions to upsell and cross-sell other products. On an eCommerce website, brands show product suggestions on the home page, product page, or cart pages.

Brands can use one or more of the following data points to give product suggestions to the users:

  • Browsing history of the user - For example, showing the “You last viewed products” list on the home page when the user returns after dropping off from the website.

  • Purchase history - For example, showing a charger or mobile cover to a user who last purchased a mobile phone.

  • Current browsing behavior - For example, showing the user other red shirts in a similar price range when they are viewing a red shirt.

  • Selective promotion of certain products: Showcasing best sellers to boost conversion rates or new arrivals to boost their visibility.

On ACP you can cross-sell and upsell products using one of the following three mechanisms:

  • Automated suggestions - Leveraging a completely automated rule-based product suggestion logic.
  • Target blocks based suggestion - Define your own rules to upsell and cross-sell items
  • Bulk Associations - Uploading a list of products that should be shown on product recommendation widgets.

Target Blocks

Target blocks represent a collection of products that you want to showcase on either a product or cart page. Against every target block, you can define rules which govern the products that would be part of the collection.

You can create a target block and corresponding rules by visiting Products > Product Suggestions > Target Block section on the control panel.

Viewing & Editing Target Blocks

By navigating to Products > Product Suggestions > Target Block section you can view the existing list of Target blocks along with their status (Active/Inactive) & Type (product page or cart page) that the brand has created.

Under the Actions column of this listing you will get three options:

  • Edit - Click on it if you want to edit an existing block.
  • Execute - Click on it to rerun the rules created against the target block and refresh the product lists that show up on the target block.
  • Delete - Click on it if you want to delete an existing block.

Adding Target block

Click on Add Custom Block and a new page will appear.

Fill in the required details on the page:

  • Block Name - Name the block as per your choice.
  • Type - Select the type of block from the two given options: Product or Cart.
  • Select Product if you want to show suggestions on the product pages.,
  • Select Cart if you want to show suggestions on the Cart page.
  • No. of Products - Select the number of products you want to show as suggestions.
  • Sort Direction - Select the sorting criteria for the target block products, you can choose either LIFO, FIFO, Catalog Sequence, Discount, or Price.
  • Description - Fill in the required information about the block.
  • Status - Select Active or Inactive from the given drop down.

Click on Save and the block will be created.

Creating and managing rules

To create and manage rules corresponding to the target blocks navigate to Products > Product Suggestions > Manage Rules.

Here you can check out all the rules that have been created across the target blocks along with the following details:

  • Rule Title - Title of the existing rule.
  • Target Block - The block it is associated with.
  • Start Date and Time - When the rule is supposed to start.
  • End Date and Time - When the rule is supposed to end.
  • Periodicity - The time period of the existing rule.
  • Range -
  • Sequence - The sequence in which the rule is supposed to apply.
  • Status - If it is active or inactive.
  • Actions - Edit or delete as per your choice.